Monday, August 8, 2011

Zeke's Story ~ Part 2 ~ Surgery Day

So you know that feeling that comes from the deep dark pit of your stomach, the one that causes you to Fear and Worry and be Anxious?
Well, I know that feeling now all to well!
The day before Zeke's Surgery I was fine, ready to take him in and give him over to the surgeon and nurses. We explained to Zeke what was going to happen and he said he was ready for surgery and ready for "No more eye patch!"
The "Before" picture
I took some "before" pictures so later we could see the difference the surgery made, and I didn't know how much of this he would remember, so of course I took lots of pictures.

We put the boys to bed that night and prayed with them, asking God to watch over Zeke the following day. Both boys drifted off to peaceful sleep with no worries.
I was the last one in bed that night and remember that feeling I was talking about...? Well it started to develop inside me. The "what ifs" started rolling through my head faster that I could really process what I was thinking.
"What if he reacts to the Anastasia?" What if he wakes up during surgery?" What if he doesn't wake up at all?" What if, what if, what if.........
I finally took myself into the boys room and rested my hand on my precious sleeping sons head and prayed. I asked God for peace, comfort, and for taking away the fear that was quickly settling over me. I prayed for the Surgeon and nurses. Then I gave my son back to God. What a gift he is....a child of God, given to the care of Ryan and I. I told God that Zeke was his baby, and whatever the outcome we would praise his name.

"When Peace Like A River......"
A feeling like that of warm sunshine spread over my entire body. I could feel the peace of God coming over me. I went to bed that night and knew God was in control.
I woke up at 3:30am, got myself put together and had a cup of hot steaming coffee. Ryan got Zeke up about 4:15am and told him where we were going. Bless his little heart...Zeke got the biggest smile on his face and said "Today is my surgery day!"
Wearing his "sock monkey" flannel pants and his "Starbuck, WA" t-shirt, we loaded him up in the car and started our 1 1/2 hour drive to Pasco, WA. We are so thankful that Zeke's Surgeon, who is from and works in Redmond WA, comes once a month to Pasco!
Now you might be wondering about our other boys. Don't mom and dad came down to stay with them along with cousins Olivia and Justis. They were well taken cared of.

Me and my Daddy!
We arrive at the hospital at 6:10am, got Zeke registered. They took us down to "Same day Surgery" and put in room 7.
Zeke made himself right at home, checking everything out including the automatic paper towel holder. ( he had to show dad how it worked!) He climbed up on the bed and posed for some pictures with dad and was all smiles. Not even the little boy across the hall that was whining and crying bothered him. After a little while the nurse came in, gave him a tiny little hospital gown, and gave him a "name tag" To  Zeke's delight she also gave him some stickers! They took his pulse, listen to his heart and made sure he was already to proceed. A 2nd nurse came in and gave Zeke some "loopy" juice  that would start making him very sleepy. They then took us up to surgery prep, and waited for the "loopy" juice to kick in. Zeke very slowly started to sway from side to side and back to front. The surgical nurse came and talk to us, and gave Zeke MORE stickers....Sponge Bob, Square Pants this time. We finally got Zeke to lay down on the bed with his blanket, and and it took hi all of  15 minutes to peel those stickers off the paper! All why saying in a sing-song voice...." Sssssquuuare Bbbbob, Sssssponge Paaants...." it was soooo funny!! Zeke's "sleepy doctor" came and talked with for a bit. He told us that once in the surgical room they would put Zeke to sleep with a mask, then place the IV and finish with giving him the Anastasia. He was a very nice man, and we felt comfortable with him. The nurse returned and wrapped Zeke in a warm blanket and carried him and "Chim-pan-zo"....his monkey, off to the surgery room.

Feeling a bit " loopy"

 Ryan and I walked down the hall to the waiting room and settled
in for a small wait. Zeke surgery should only take 25-30 minutes they said, and IF he wakes up in recovery, we will come and get you. The TV was on and we watch some silly show we hadn't seen in years. At this point my nerves were fine....then the clock hit 30 minutes.... Ok...anytime now they will be coming to get us. 45 minutes.....well he must be in recovery now.....55minutes...ok, at this point those bad feeling that come from deep inside you stared to come alive again. I couldn't hear the TV...all I saw was the clock. 1hour, 10 minutes......Really??? I s something wrong??? Why haven't they come for us???? 1 hour 20 minutes....Ok, that it, I think we need to find someone and ask whats going on!....FINALLY at 1 hour 25 minute the surgeon came in and said everything was FINE! Surgery went well and that they would be coming for us soon. Thank you Jesus! Those are the sweetest word a mother can hear when her baby has been in surgery. I really don't remember how long it was before the nurse stepped in and said Zeke needed us in recovery. We walked down the hall and before I even saw my precious boy I heard him....a frightened, scared cry coming from behind the closed door. We walked thought the door and there was our son, eye's closed, blood dripping slowly from the corners, crying out for his Dad and Mama. Talk about " stuffing it down" my emotions went through the roof as I saw my sweet, energetic son, and pale as the sheet he sat on, eye balls so swollen under his eye lids that he looked oriental. They told me to crawl up in the bed and lay down next to him. Zeke whimpered as he snuggled in to me, saying he didn't like it. He said we wanted out of bed and tried to get down. The nurses told Ryan that he could hold him, and Ryan scooped up his son, who asked for his blanket, and then settle down with his face pressed to his daddy's neck. Zeke whole body relaxed and he was able to rest. We stayed in recovery for about 20 minutes, Ryan sat in the rocking chair with Zeke the whole time, enjoying being able to comfort his son.

In recovery...

 We finally moved back to "room 7" and stayed there for another 45 minutes or so.
Zeke was discharged and we loaded him up in the car and headed to Walgreen to fill a couple of prescriptions, and get some more children's advil. Zeke slept the whole time we were in the car on the way home, and snuggled into the couch once we got home and continued to sleep for the next 4 hours. After Zeke woke and had a bite to eat, we started to see our sweet boy coming back to his old self. His color was returning and his voice that was all scratchy from the breathing tube they put in was starting to sound more like him. By the next day, our little boy was back...with no real memories of what happened the day before. He was happy and ready to take on the day. He said his eye didn't hurt, and that he wanted to go ride his bike! I was soooo happy and relieved to have my boy back.
This is the "good " eye if you can believe it!
So what now? Zeke has eye drops that we put in 4 times a day and an ointment that goes in once a day at bedtime for the next 2 weeks. the whites of his eyes are red, black and blue, and kinda "hamburger" looking. Not very pretty to look at!
 It's hard to tell right now with all the swelling if the surgery was a success or not. There is a 70% that he will NOT need it again.
Zeke is going to see his regular eye doctor this coming Thursday, and hopefully she will be able to get a good measurement on his eyes to see if the are indeed straight.
We are trusting God with our son, and with the healing, and straightness of his eyes. If we need to do this a again....well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there!
Zeke's story isn't over yet.....he still has a long way to go to seeing with out the thick glasses. But for now I must say I am glad that this part of the story is....over! :)