I spent the day today playing with my camera. So many settings that I have know idea how to use! I photographed the Great Horned Owl in my backyard, and the birds that built a nest in our front yard. Then there was the ladybug on the daisy...
The boys were good and enjoyed playing outside in the sun. Big Brother had fun playing in the pool. Little one has decided to try standing up more and more! I don't think it will be long before he is standing up all the time!
The garden is coming up nicely, with the corn and beans leading the way. We got it started a little late, but I think we will still be able to enjoy all that we planted before the 1st frost comes.
Today was a lazy day, full of book reading on the back porch while the boys napped, and listening to the breeze blow and the birds chirp.
Nothing to exciting, but that's a good thing!
Could those kids get any cuter??? I don't think so!!